Move-In Checklist for Renters Relocating to a New City

February 10, 2022 | By Becky House
A person with a checklist

Moving to a new apartment in a new city can be an intimidating and stressful experience, but it doesn’t have to be! Consider the following move-in checklist for renters relocating to a new city:

Before the move-out date:

Schedule the big day with a reputable moving company. Do your research, search online, and ask around for referral for moving companies with good reviews.

At least a month before you move, contact your utility providers to either transfer or end services at your old apartment. Be sure to return any equipment that belongs to cable or internet providers to avoid being billed later on. For a seamless transition in services at your new rental apartment, schedule installation a few weeks ahead of time.

Stock up on packing materials. The last thing you’ll want to worry about is having enough tape, boxes, and other essential materials when you’re packing. An even better tip: color coordinate when packing. Take it from someone who’s moved 5 times so far (and I’m not sure I’m done), it will be much easier to unpack when you know all the boxes wearing the green label go in the bedroom, and all the yellow ones go in the kitchen. It’s one way to ensure you won’t have to dig through your decorations or kitchenware to find the blue pair of sandals you want to wear to work on Monday.

Decide what stays and what goes. If you are moving across the country and starting fresh, you may not be able to bring all of your furniture. Make a list of what items you will take with you and which items are no longer of use. You can donate any unwanted belongings to a charity, such as Salvation Army.

After you’re moved in:

Unpack room by room. To avoid becoming overwhelmed with a lot of boxes to unpack, take it one room at a time. Not only will this help you to focus on each room, it will help you to avoid a cluttered mess of open and half-unpacked boxes.

Find a school for your child. If you’re a parent, you’ll need to find an ideal school for your children to attend. If they are transferring midyear, you’ll have more than likely already found a school for them. Otherwise, do your research online or ask your new neighbors about what schools their children attend. Also, be sure to visit the new school and meet the staff before the big first day.

Find an awesome takeout joint. Craving some Pad Thai or pepperoni pizza? You’ll need to know the numbers of the places that serve delicious food for when you’re starving after all that unpacking! Search online for the best food establishments (look for reviews!) or better yet, ask one of your new neighbors!

Have any other cool tips for renters relocating to a new city? Leave a comment!

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