Looking To Save Money On A Home? Now Is The Time!

October 28, 2016 | By Becky House
A person putting coins in a jar, to save money

Still looking at leasing a home? Now is the time to make a deal!

Assuming you have the flexibility to pick a time of the year to move, the first thing you need to decide is what is more important to you: saving as much money as possible or having a lot of options to choose from.

Most prospective tenants tend to move between May and September. This is not surprising when you think about the fact that young people start or graduate from college during this time, younger kids are out of school on summer break, and the weather is generally a lot nicer when it comes to moving your household from one location to another.

Because of this, there is more turnover in rental units during this time of the year as compared to most any other time of the year–which means you may have a wider selection of units to choose from than at other times of the year.

The flip side is that there may also be greater demand from renters vying for those rental units during the summer than at other times of the year. This may mean that you have to act more quickly in making a decision about a rental so as not to lose it to another interested renter.

If you’re looking for a deal on an apartment, winter is generally the best time to find a new place to live. Apartment turnover is much slower during the winter months, so while you may have fewer units to choose from, property managers may be more likely to cut you a deal to fill their vacancies.

In addition to doing your apartment search during the off-season, you’ll generally get a better deal on an apartment in markets that have greater supply than demand. Coincidentally, Suncoast Property Management have plenty of homes for you to choose from with dozens of options and areas around Jacksonville to choose from. Contact us when you need you’re ready to find both the right home and the best deals!

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