Suncoast Property Management Blog

Your April "To-Do" Checklist Starts Now! | Suncoast Property Management, LLC

Written by Becky House | Mar 31, 2017 4:00:00 AM

Now that spring is here, it’s time for you to step out and start your spring cleaning.

Here is a list of “to-do” items that you should start now so you can relax all the way through summertime:

Test your sprinklers and irrigation system

Don’t let puddles of water be the first sign of a malfunctioning irrigation system. Take time each month to test each spigot and repair as needed. If you don’t already have an irrigation system for your yard, consider having one installed to save time and water.

Keep mosquitoes at bay

Warm weather and long days mean we’re entering mosquito season (yuck!). Take measures by regularly checking your property for standing water and emptying it. Any open containers outside your home can become a mosquito breeding grounds when filled with rainwater, so store items like these upside down or in a garage/shed.

Add more porch appeal

Clean off the porch floor, scrub down those exterior windows, windowsills and front door. Wipe cobwebs from the ceiling and high corners. Lay down a fresh doormat, and plant a pot of flowers. If you have porch furniture, clean it off and wash the cushions.

Inspect your paths/driveways

Winter can take a toll on the solidity of asphalt and concrete. Check your paths and driveways for cracks, scheduling repairs as they are needed.

Wash windows

Welcome those spring sunrays by clearing the dirt and grime from windows inside and out. After cleaning the glass, take an extra moment to wipe the window frame and sill.

Clear clutter

It’s time for that, “spring cleaning” you’ve been putting off. Create more space in your home by clearing out those unused items. If you have a lot to get rid of, hold a yard sale, or contact a local charity to schedule a pickup. If you have a lot of one type of item (like books or clothes), look for a consignment shop in your town where you may be able to sell them.

Maintain your outside décor

Keep outdoor woodwork in tip top shape by staining or resealing it each spring. Check gates, fencing, decks, railings, outdoor structures, and make repairs when they’re needed.

Keep an eye out for termites

Starting now through June, Termites run rampant. Check any openings in the woodwork around your home or any structures for that manner. If you notice any, call a licensed professional pest-control company immediately.

Make sure you do all of these things, if they pertain to you, in order to keep your home safe and maintained in the highest way possible.