Suncoast Property Management Blog

Maintaining Your Maintenance Costs | Suncoast Property Management, LLC

Written by Becky House | Mar 9, 2016 5:00:00 AM

It comes to no surprise to investors and homeowners alike that deterioration of their property is inevitable. Years pass and it’s only common sense that without proper care, these things will come back to haunt you. Whether it’s a destructive roof leak or a faulty appliance, these things can really catch anyone off guard, and even though situations like this can seem like a disaster at the time, standard insurance policies don’t cover damages or repairs that are from the normal wear and lack of upkeep when it comes to maintenance. However, the key to keeping unwelcomed costs out of your wallet is to anticipate and budget appropriately for these repairs.

A main ingredient in anticipating life expectancy in your home is to observe the hardiness of the materials that are used in the essence of the home. These factors usually determine how long the home in general will last, but the quality of the installation, intensity of use, local weather conditions, and level of typical preservation impact their longevity.

Here is a look at the typical life expectancy of commonly used products:

Life Expectancy (In Years)

Avg. Amount of Years per Material.

Definitely, keep these lifespans in mind when replacing or considering worn-out and dated features in your home. Also note the neighborhood norm when selecting those materials. Over-improving or under-improving can impact the potential return on your investment.