How to Prep Your Rental for a Florida Summer

July 22, 2020 | By Becky House
Maintaining of wooden surfaces with protective paint

When it’s time to head north and you want to rent your Florida home, you should know how to get it ready. Whether you’re renting to one tenant for the entire summer or renting to vacationers by the week, there are certain things you should consider doing.

As you get your property ready to be rented, make sure you know what the Florida summer will bring. Certain things, such as the AC unit must be at the top of your list. Here are a few tips to help you prep your rental in Florida for the summer.

Rental Prep Tips for Florida Properties

1. Service the AC Unit

The very first thing you should do is have the AC unit serviced. Make sure it’s working properly and blowing very cold air. The last thing you want is a call in the middle of the summer to let you know your AC unit has quit working.

Make sure the filter for the AC unit is replaced before the summer and every 8 to 12 weeks after. You should also have a professional inspect the unit; just to be sure it will be ready to go for your tenants.

2. Bug-Proof the Home

The summer in Florida means lots of bugs including ants, mosquitoes, love bugs, and others. You should make sure you bug-proof the home so renters don’t have to deal with pests, especially if you’re renting your home to vacationers.

Have a professional pest control team come out and spray for common pests. Make sure they also treat your lawn for fire ants as vacationers from other areas may not know about these types of ants.

You should also check all your seals to help keep bugs out. Any seals that have cracked or look old can be replaced. A quick inspection of the exterior of the property for entry points is also a good idea.

3. Add a Fresh Coat of Paint

You want the home to look new for your tenants, so add a fresh coat of paint. If the paint isn’t that old, at least touch up any areas needing to be touched up.

4. Dust and Clean

The last thing you want is tenants showing up to a dirty or dusty home. If you plan to rent your home out as a vacation home for the summer, hire someone to clean in between renters.

Even if you rent it to one tenant for the entire summer, hiring a service to come in and clean the home is a good idea. Then, your tenant can start with a clean home and it will be easier to maintain over the summer.

5. Prepare for The Rain

Summers in Florida get very wet. You want to prepare for the rain before renting your property.

Make sure the gutters are clean and working properly. Check for any areas where water might puddle around the foundation and consider getting downspout extensions to move the water further away from the home.

You should also inspect the home for cracks, leaks, and wear that could cause water to get in. Make sure you check the roof, as well. Rain can cause a ton of damage if you’re not prepared.

Along with these five tips, you might want to consider hiring the right property management company. Whether you’re renting your home for the summer or longer, you want to make sure you have a property manager ready to help keep your tenants happy.

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